입학사정관(screener)의 역할과 의대입시의 전반적인 과정 그리고 경쟁률에 관하여 – 한국어

안녕하십니까, Med School Solutions의 고재균 박사입니다. 최근에 몇 가지 질문들을 많이해 주셔서 관련 글과 slide figure들을 올려봅니다. 1) 입학사정관(screener)과 입학사정위원(admission committee)에 관하여 2) 입학사정의 전반적인 과정과 전인적인 평가방식 (holistic evaluation) 3) 높은 의대입시 경쟁률에 대한 잘못된 이해

GPA, MCAT, personal statements에 관하여 – 한국어

안녕하세요, 미국 의대입시 준비하시는 여러분! 저는 Med School Solutions의 고재균 박사입니다. 저는 오하이오 주립의대 (Ohio State University, School of Medicine)에서 조교수를 역임하였고 재직 당시 research, teaching 외에도 OSU medical school 입학 사정관 (screener)으로 보직하며 의대지원자들을 scoring 및 evaluation 하였습니다. 최근에 Georgia옮겨 원래 본업인 molecular biology service company를 운영하고 있으며 아울러 의대입시 컨설팅을 시작하였습니다. 의대입시 채점기준과 […]

Do you know the weight of GPA and MCAT scores in the evaluation process?

When applying to medical school, it’s common to focus on GPA and MCAT scores as the most important factors. However, did you know that most medical schools use a 10-category evaluation system (12-category for MD/PhD program), where each category is weighted equally at 10%? This means that GPA and MCAT scores are just two of […]

What do screeners focus on in your statement and essays?

GPA and MCAT scores are one part of the evaluation process, accounting for 10% each. The other eight categories are equally important, and screeners evaluate each applicant based on objective criteria. Personal statements and additional essays are evaluated objectively as well, without any screener’s personal biases or subjective views. It’s important to note that a […]

What types and how many volunteering/extracurricular activities are required for a successful application?

Volunteer and extracurricular activities are essential for a successful medical school application, but the specific types and amounts required are largely unknown to the public. That’s where the objective and detailed scoring categories and evaluation process of screeners become critical in determining an applicant’s potential as a future medical doctor. By understanding the screening process, […]

How important is research experience for MD and MD/PhD programs?

While pursuing an MD is a great career path, many students are also interested in pursuing a dual MD/PhD degree.  The key factor that sets MD/PhD applicants apart from MD-only applicants is their research experience. Although research experience is an important factor for a successful MD candidate, there is a clear difference in evaluation between […]