About mentor

Jae-Kyun (James) Ko, Ph.D.

Dr. Ko, a renowned molecular biology and genetic engineering scientist, has spent many years conducting research in both commercial and academic settings. He founded Mutagenex Inc. in 2006, providing molecular biology services to over 300 laboratories across 26 countries. Dr. Ko then joined The Ohio State University as an assistant professor, where he established the Molecular Biology Core Laboratory in the Department of Surgery, Wexner Medical Center to support researchers. During his academic career, he conducted three NIH-funded R01 research projects and evaluated medical school applicants as a screener for OSU medical school. He recently reopened Mutagenex in Georgia and plans to offer counseling services to future medical doctors based on his critical expertise and sources.

Assistant Professor
Dept of Surgery, OSUMC
Director of Molecular Biology Core
Medical school screener for MSTP (MD/PhD program)
08/2018 – 10/2022